Getting a massage just got better with Massage Me. Eliminate muscle pains, soreness and aches with our body massage ball. Enjoy a relaxing massage after a long day or give your lover some extra TLC. Want to turn things up a notch? Add some Touch massage oil for a more soothing sensual romantic massage.
Massage Me is great for therapy and best used on sore muscles, shoulders, arms, neck, back, feet and body. Use Massage Me to help promote blood circulation, give a deep tissue massage. Knock out that stiffness and joint pain all while relieving your stress.
Features & details
- WELLNESS & HEALTH: Used in MUSCLE RELAXER & RECOVERY & REHAB after a long day or workout.
- HEALTH & WELLBEING: Can be used for plantar fasciitis.
- FULL-BODY MASSAGE: Reach various places of your body, great for back massager, neck massager, foot massager, leg massager, shoulder massager, deep tissue massager/arm massager.
- EASY TO CARRY: Massage Me is made of durable ABS, the ball size is 2.13in and the weight is 0.33lb/ 5.29oz, it's very convenient and easy to hold.
- HELPFUL TO YOUR WELL-BEING: The roller can be used to REDUCE INFLAMMATION, speed up muscle recovery and promote blood circulation
1 Massage ball with extra grip silicone ring
Custom INTAKE storage bag
100% waterproof, soap washable and easy to clean
Getting a massage just got better with Massage Me. Eliminate muscle pains, soreness and aches with our body massage ball. Enjoy a relaxing massage after a long day or give your lover some extra TLC. Want to turn things up a notch? Add some Touch massage oil for a more soothing sensual romantic massage.
Massage Me is great for therapy and best used on sore muscles, shoulders, arms, neck, back, feet and body. Use Massage Me to help promote blood circulation, give a deep tissue massage. Knock out that stiffness and joint pain all while relieving your stress.
Features & details
- WELLNESS & HEALTH: Used in MUSCLE RELAXER & RECOVERY & REHAB after a long day or workout.
- HEALTH & WELLBEING: Can be used for plantar fasciitis.
- FULL-BODY MASSAGE: Reach various places of your body, great for back massager, neck massager, foot massager, leg massager, shoulder massager, deep tissue massager/arm massager.
- EASY TO CARRY: Massage Me is made of durable ABS, the ball size is 2.13in and the weight is 0.33lb/ 5.29oz, it's very convenient and easy to hold.
- HELPFUL TO YOUR WELL-BEING: The roller can be used to REDUCE INFLAMMATION, speed up muscle recovery and promote blood circulation
1 Massage ball with extra grip silicone ring
Custom INTAKE storage bag
100% waterproof, soap washable and easy to clean
Soak’n wet
Vanilla Cream